The Professor started the topic 'How to be more interesting' in the forum Art of the CLOWN – Charisma 5 years, 4 months ago
This is a great article I read recently that sums up how to be more interesting:
This will help with making Instagram stories, but more importantly, will help you have a more meaningful and engaging conversation.
The Professor's profile was updated 5 years, 5 months ago
The Professor started the topic Bitcoin is a Buy at $8000 in the forum Crypto/Blockchain 5 years, 5 months ago
Bitcoin has had a great 2019 – coming all the way from $3k – and hit a high of $14k, and currently sits around $8k.
Bitcoin is still a great buy imo for the following reasons:
– Central banks all devaluing currencies – inflationary
– Unstable countries – ‘safe haven’ – Syria, Venezuela, Yemen etc
– Sanctions on countries who the US doesn’t…[
The Professor started the topic Growing your network in the forum Business Networking 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m hoping that everyone can bring something (value) slightly different to this group and that we can all help each other in our respective areas of competence.
If you are looking for something specific, post in here and I’ll see if I can point you in the right direction.
I’m going to be upgrading the ‘profile’ section in the INNER CIRCLE to…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic Dating platforms… in the forum Online Dating 5 years, 5 months ago
What online dating platforms have you tried in the past?
I’ve personally only used Tinder with very limited results, though there are other people who I know who kill it on that platform and a few others.
Let me know if you have questions related to Tinder or other platforms and I’ll try to point you in the right direction or inquire on your…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic Starting a business in the forum Entrepreneur 5 years, 5 months ago
If you are looking to start an online business then you should check out https://www.flaneurlife.com/
Lots of great info on there for how to start a business and tools to use.
Also a great guy behind the project – Blakeson @blakesminer
Do you have any specific questions regarding starting a business, specifically online?
I will do my best…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic Calisthenics month in the forum Health/Fitness 5 years, 5 months ago
I tend to alternate between:
– Doing calisthenics in parks and at home
– Doing stints of gyming for a month or half a year depending on goals and lifestyle.
I find alternating between the two keeps me fresh mentally and physically.
Mentally because I’m in different environments, so new stimuli (energy) coming in – going to the same gym or…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic 'The Truman Show' YouTube Video… in the forum Social Media 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m going to be making a video breaking down ‘The Truman Show’ in the coming weeks.
Basically we are living in the Truman Show in 2019 via Social Media, and I think this is a fascinating topic – we are willingly showing people what we are doing at all times of the day via pictures, stories, checking in etc
Everything is coming full-circle…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic The Great Reflation & ROI in 2019 in the forum Investing 5 years, 5 months ago
I wrote this article at the start of 2019
https://medium.com/@nolanjamesfyfe/the-great-reflation-has-commenced-deciphering-the-noise-on-finance-investing-7d7ee733c291And basically it has played out exactly how I predicted, I just wish I would have taken my own advice and just stuck with Bitcoin and Gold investments as those both did really well…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic Meetups in the forum Events/Meetups 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m currently in Lima, Peru for the next few weeks, not sure exactly how long I’ll be here yet, plans always changing quickly #flâneurlife 🙂
I have posted two meetups here:
The Professor replied to the topic Two week challenge until 10/7 in the forum Public Accountability 5 years, 5 months ago
Today is the 10/7th – I definitely put in the hours to achieve my goals.
I learned a few things:
Some goals I made rapid progress on and finished early, and some goals I put in the hours but didn’t achieve them, and that’s alrgiht as it was more about the time/effort than outcome.I’m going to be setting another challenge in the coming weeks…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic eBook: sixtyminutesaweek.com in the forum Health/Fitness 5 years, 5 months ago
If you have any questions regarding to downloading the ebook or content, please let me know and I’ll get back to you ASAP
The Professor replied to the topic Instagram stories in the forum Social Media 5 years, 5 months ago
Great question!
Glad that you have been getting more engagement on your stories – this guy is killing it with the viral stories!
My understanding of the stories is you can use up to 10 hashtags in a story, and up to 30 in a regular post. I use maybe 3-5 hashtags as I don’t like my stories to be too crowded or spammy, but I guess you could…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic Consulting 1-1 – 'in field' in the forum Art of the CLOWN – Charisma 5 years, 5 months ago
If you have heard of ‘Charisma on Command’ or ‘Real Social Dynamics via YouTube, well this is similar to that but better:
I recently wrote a course on improving one’s social skills through humor.
Art of the CLOWN is a course breaking down various elements of humor, charm, wit, charisma, seduction, and negotiation all g…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic IEO – WorkChain.io in the forum Crypto/Blockchain 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m directly involved in a blockchain project called WorkChain.io https://workchain.io/
We have had a relatively quiet 2019, but are looking to dust off our platform and really get this project moving again in the coming months.
We are looking for potential investors who bring value to the table and further us along in our IEO (initial exchange…[Read more]
The Professor started the topic The Cayman Islands Booming ! in the forum Real Estate 5 years, 5 months ago
One of my good friends is developing property in the Cayman Islands, and he has good reason to believe the Cayman Islands will continue to boom over the coming years.
The main thesis:
– Safety compared to other jurisdictions that have comparable beaches
– rule of law is British and well upheld – so lack of corruption
– The American standard…[
The Professor created the group
Test 5 years, 5 months ago
The Professor started the topic Two week challenge until 10/7 in the forum Public Accountability 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m going to start off this ‘Public Accountability’ section with my own 2-week challenge ending on 10/7
I have made quite a strict and ambitious schedule for myself with goals around:
– Having TheLifeFunnel.com course all online by then – which means with videos as well!
– Having stripe set up and ready to monetize the course
– Personal…[
The Professor's profile was updated 5 years, 5 months ago
The Professor replied to the topic Maca + spirulina in the forum Health/Fitness 5 years, 5 months ago
Greetings Sir!
Yes I have taken both Maca and Spirulina at times, I would take them more often, but it can be hard to find them when traveling around and can’t really justify carrying them with me when traveling.
I have had good results with both of them.
Spirulina adds extra protein and nutrients that can be hard to get into the diet…[Read more]
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